Where Art and Life Cohabitate

The Life and Times of a Modern Day Artist

Billings, Montana

Billings, Montana

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh yes, and the art is kick ass!

Picking up, dusting off, and rebuilding a life once shattered...

I won't depress you with the details of a marriage gone bad after many years, or the crumbling of a family and home as a result.  And I won't sadden you by telling of the loss of my only child.
I would like to begin this story at the point where I have already surveyed the damage after awakening from the shock of it all; the reeling, the night terrors, the desire to die, etc., etc., etc., the point where I have chosen to rebuild my life and do what I do best and enjoy the remainder of my time aboard this planet.
I am an artist.  During my marriage I lived in Nashville, Tennessee where my career as an artist was gaining momentum.  After the aforementioned events took place I moved back to my home town, Billings, Montana, to be with my family.
Nearly three years later, I am still in Billings living, painting, creating, and selling art from the quonset hut shown in the photo above.
The Quonset (or Sherrie's Fun House) as it is becoming affectionately known, is not only my home, studio and gallery but a gathering place for  some of the "Magic City's" more interesting characters.
Some of the characters are my dear friends who helped turn this quonset from a dump to a really cool place and other characters are more transient in nature.  However, whether they stay or go, it all makes one hell of an interesting story!
Oh yes, and the art is kick ass!